Critical Mass on 29 April in Minsk ended up with 6 people detained and a criminal case against one of it’s participants. Dmitry Polienko is accused of violence against policeman and others charged with minor offenses. The trials for minor offenses are schedules for 12 and 16 may.
Dmitry is now in pre-trial prison and requires solidarity from comrades in form of solidarity actions and money for food parcels. It would be a good idea to organise something on the nearest critical mass actions in your cities. The maximum penalty for the article he is accused of is 6 years in prison.
In social networks a flash mob was started #iamcriticalmass/#ятожекритическаямасса to show solidarity with arrested. Apart from that you can send us your solidarity actions at
You can also donate through PayPal with the same address Please specify the cause for transfer – “critical mass”
Till all are free!