Kiev: right-wingers attacked anarchist demonstration on Mayday

On Mayday anarchists held an unauthorized march in the center of Kiev. About 200 people took part in it. Social and antimilitarist slogans prevailed at the action. The march lasted for one hour and a half and ended near “Zhovten” cinema, that was recently burned by neo-nazis during LGBTQ movie screening. (More details about the

Kiev: right-wingers attacked anarchist demonstration on Mayday Read More »

Czech Republic: anarchist are charged with terrorism

Following massive raid on anarchists on Tuesday night, three people were charged with terrorism and taken into custody. Whole operation police called “Phoenix” started in early morning with house search in dozens of private flats and social center “Ateneo” i the town of Most. Around 20 people were arrested, part of them only questioned and

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Kiev: right-wingers attacked anarchist demonstration on Mayday

On Mayday anarchists held an unauthorized march in the center of Kiev. About 200 people took part in it. Social and antimilitarist slogans prevailed at the action. The march lasted for one hour and a half and ended near “Zhovten” cinema, that was recently burned by neo-nazis during LGBTQ movie screening. (More details about the

Kiev: right-wingers attacked anarchist demonstration on Mayday Read More »

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