Vadzim Dzenisenka | Vadim Denisenko*
Arrest date: 28.12.2021
– organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them;
– desecration of structures and damage to property;
Sentence: 2,5 года
Detention place: IK-3
Release date: 15.04.2024
Vadzim worked as a sound operator at the Checherskiy District House of Culture. His birthday is 19 August 1992.
Political views
*We do not know Vadim’s political views, but since he was detained for pasting leaflets of the anarchist group “Pramen”, we consider it important to support him in every possible way.
History of detention and case
He was convicted together with Rita Zotova and Nikita Khilkevich for pasting leaflets of the anarchist group “Pramen” on the territory of the local school. The police were called by the school director Olga Tsalko.
The investigation considers that the young people, through their actions, had humiliated the riot police and “violated the aesthetic perception of buildings and structures and desecrated them with cynical inscriptions and images”.
After the detention, Vadzim was forced to record a “video of a plea-bargain” – saying on camera “the criminal police will find all of you”. All this was accompanied by threats of violence.
2 years and 6 months of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.
Write online a letter:
Address to support
Vadzim Dzenisenka | Vadim Denisenko*
IK №3,
211322, p. Vit’ba,
Vitebskiy r-n, Vitebskaya obl.
📧 How do one write letters to prisoners in Belarus so that they reach them?