On this page you can find information how to donate to ABC-Belarus activities

Bank transactions within EU:
Mutual Aid Fund
IBAN: LT253500010016708900
Paysera LT, UAB
Bitcoin: bc1qjcjywtlvujpxfefarna8k6drta63vlpanrd50d
Details of contact information can be found at “About us” page, including our pgp key. You can also order our distro from Black Mosquito to add some money to our fund.
Please let us know in advance on email or social media if you want to send a large sum of money (more than 1500 euro) via bank transfer. This is needed to ensure that our bank doesn’t block the transfer.
How ABC-Belarus uses the money it collects
We often encourage you to donate to ABC-Belarus to support our prisoners, but we rarely tell you where the donations go. It is important for us to make clear that ABC-Belarus activists do not receive any compensation for their work. We all work in our spare time and do it solely out of political convictions. We do not depend on any foundations or grants. Almost all our money comes from donations of ordinary people and activists from Belarus and other countries. A small part of the funds is raised from selling books, T-shirts and brochures.