Below you will see various items that we create to boost donations. All the proceeds from sales go to support the anarchist and antifascist prisoners in Belarus.
We are collaborating with a few distros in Europe, such as Black Mosquito (Germany) or Sabotage Distro (Poland/EU/World). Both ship worldwide with the exception of Belarus and Russia. If you want to distribute our distro in your area or order in bulk, reach out to us at

“Open doors”

“Freedom is a right”

“Time stopped in 2020”


Books by Belarusian anarchist prisoners
Mikola Dziadok
Farben einer Parallelen Welt

Mikoła Dziadok
Kolory świata równoległego

Mikola Dziadok “The Colours of the Parallel World”

Mikola Dziadok
Paralelní svět v barvě

Ihar Alinevich
On the way to Magadan

Ihar Alinevich Auf dem Weg nach Magadan

Игорь Олиневич
Еду в Магадан

Ігар Аліневіч
Їду в Магадан

Igor Olinievicz
Jadę do Magadanu

Ігар Аліневіч
Еду ў Магадан

Ihar Alinevich
Sur la route de Magadan

Ihar Aliněvič
Jedu do Magadanu

Мікола Дзядок
Праўда без кампрамісаў