
Report from the trial of the armed group Revolutionary Struggle, Athens (Greece)

October 24 2011 Heavy accusations against the capitalist economic-social system and the urban system of power, the state and its persecutory mechanisms were made by the members of Revolutionary Struggle at the first (substantial) day of their trial, when the chairman gave them the word in order to place themselves in short concerning the charges.

Report from the trial of the armed group Revolutionary Struggle, Athens (Greece) Read More »

Global call for Action in Solidarity with vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan who is on hunger strike!

Dear friends and comrades, This call is made for vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan who is struggling with death in a Turkish prison. Imprisoned since last 20 years (and 10 more left), Osman spent his last 4 years in Kırıkkale F-type High Security Prison. Despite all efforts that has been made, the prison authorities don’t

Global call for Action in Solidarity with vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan who is on hunger strike! Read More »

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