Author name: ABC-Belarus

Greece: Statement by anarchist Antonis Stamboulos, detained in Athens police headquarters

On October 1st, 2014, I was arrested, hooded and taken to an interrogation room of the antiterrorist unit. From 5pm until 1am, a bunch of hooded cops – and while I was handcuffed behind the back – took my DNA sample, fingerprints and (tried to take) my photographs by force, amid ironies, chokeholds, sprains and […]

Greece: Statement by anarchist Antonis Stamboulos, detained in Athens police headquarters Read More »

Investigation committee claims student-reenactor terrorist

8th of june, investigation committee of Russian Federation announced, that home of 20 year old Stepan Zimin, who was detained as a suspect of having taken part to a riot at Bolotnaya square 6th of May was searched. According to police, a walkie-talkie, ski-mask, molotov cocktail and several passports were found. Stepan himself told his

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Alexandra Dukhanina may face up to 8 years in prison for participation to “March of the millions” 6th of May in Moscow

5th of June lawyer of 18 year old Alexandra Dukhanina, Aleksandr Arutyunov told journalists, that his client has now been offically charged with “participation to riots” and “use of violence against a government official”. “Currently Dukhanina was charged with statutes 318 (“use of violence against government official”) and 212 part 3 (“incitement to riot) of

Alexandra Dukhanina may face up to 8 years in prison for participation to “March of the millions” 6th of May in Moscow Read More »

Turkey: Urgent solidarity call for arrested anarchists

Members of the Freedom to Earth Association (Yeryüzüne Özgürlük Derneği), who defend animal/earth/human freedom and green anarchists and anarchists as a whole, were taken by government anti-terrorism units from their homes simultaneously on May 14 at 5 a.m. They were kept under police custody for 4 days. While all of the members of the Freedom

Turkey: Urgent solidarity call for arrested anarchists Read More »

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