About us
Anarchist Black Cross Belarus (ABC-Belarus) supports repressed, arrested and imprisoned anarchists as well as social activists whose ideas and activities do not contradict the ideas of anarchism. Between 2009 and 2022 the group has supported more than 70 activists in various forms, ranging from paying lawyers and other legal fees to supporting the families and loved ones of the repressed.
We are not a charitable or human rights foundation and provide support primarily based on our political views and goals. Anarchist activists are often ignored by liberal human rights organizations, and repression is considered justified because of the violation of the laws of a country governed by dictatorship and police lawlessness. That is why it was important for us to create an activist organization that would be dedicated to supporting comrades regardless of any external political factors.
The group in its current form was founded in 2009 and has since become one of the main solidarity structures in Belarus. There are no paid positions in the group, and all work is done on a voluntary basis by anarchist activists.
We are not an open political group, so you can’t join us by choice, but you can always raise money or organize support groups for certain comrades in your area, without the need for direct membership. We are happy to help you if you would like to do this kind of work.
The ABC collective does not accept donations tied to any political conditions restricting our own actions. We do not write grants to obtain money, and the bulk of our funding comes through individual and collective donations. Money that comes to the ABC is used directly for various forms of support, most of which we cannot describe openly because of the high level of government repression.
Not a single day in the existence of the collective has passed without anarchists or antifascists being held in Belarusian prisons. Solidarity allows comrades to continue to resist repression even in the most difficult moments of life. This is why we consider it extremely important to develop the infrastructure of the ABC not only in Belarus, but also in other countries, in order to create a truly international movement of solidarity.
If you have any questions for our group, you can contact us via e-mail belarus_abc@riseup.net or social networks:
Telegram: https://t.me/belarus_abc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abcbelarus
Instagram: https://instagram.com/belarus_abc/
We also have accounts on Signal and Matrix – email us to get in touch.
If you want to help or get in contact, please write to belarus_abc(AT)riseup.net
Public Key:
243B A4F2 1956 67EC 0693 8405 B3B5 0522 B665 7410