Mikita Jemialjanau | Nikita Emelyanov
Arrest date: 20.10.2019
— intentional destruction or damage to property
— desecration of buildings
— illegal actions with explosives
— disobedience to the administration of a correctional institution
Sentence: 4 years, 2 more years added for defying prison administration
Place of detention: ST-1
Release date: 20.10.2025
Mikita was born on 24 March 2000 in Minsk to a Catholic family. Mikita was in his third year at a Technical University, majoring in Shipbuilding and Technical Operation of Water Transport, when in October 2019, he was detained. Several months later the administration expelled from the university.
Mikita is interested in history. He asked for articles about ancient warriors and the various military formations of the past.
Three younger brothers and his parents are waiting for Mikita to be released.
Political views
Jemialjanau came to his anarchist ideas gradually, evolving from a social democrat through a period of sharing left-wing nationalist ideas. Having recognised himself as an anarchist, Mikita decided not to join any active organisations, but to act autonomously, choosing direct action as his method.
Detention and conviction
He and Ivan Kamar were detained on 20 October 2019 on suspicion of attempting to set fire to a pre-trial detention facility in Minsk in solidarity with Dzmitry Palijenkoa, who was in custody there at the time. This attack was preceded by another unsuccessful arson attempt. It is assumed that they also threw paint bulbs at the building of Minsk City Court as a sign of solidarity with the same comrade. On 12 February 2020 they were both sentenced to 7 years in prison, but after an appeal the sentence was commuted to 4 years.
Detention conditions
In prison, Mikita refused to sign a form stating that he undertakes to follow prison rules, which led to him being punished by segregation, solitary confinement and eventually transfer to a high-security prison, where another criminal case was brought against him for breaching the prison regime. He had two years added to his remaining sentence.
In the inhumane conditions of the punishment cell, in the cold, without bedding or daily walks, Mikita has served a total of more than five months. His correspondence and family visits are restricted, too.
In his last statement, Mikita said:
I believe that in the struggle for freedom, justice and human rights, and the end justifies the means.
Write online a letter:
Address to support
Emelyanov Nikita Vladimirovich
ST-1, 230023 Grodno, ul. Kirova 1
📧 How do one write letters to prisoners in Belarus so that they reach them?